viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Educating Essex Episode 1

1.Without wishing to sound kind of _________ about it a teacher has to entertain
2.Why does Mr Drew believe that a teacher has to entertainWhat example does he give?
3.When you look at it like that_________!’
4.Do you think it is acceptable for a class to be interrupted to celebrate a teacher’s birthdayWhat do you think viewers might think of this scene?
5.The hardcore kids we’ve got are really fairly hardcoreThey are massively ____________.’
6.Her mobile phone is becoming a ________________ with the staff.’
7.According to Mr Drew what is the way of stopping pupils make a disaster of their lives’?
8.Is expelling a student the solution according to Mr DrewWhy or why notDevelop your answer.
9.She is one of the most __________ young people that we’ve ever had.’ (talking about Carmelita)
10.‘Once young person decides they don’t care, and they don’t care what you do, you’re ______________ .’
11.Why does Mr Drew want to suspend Carmelita?
12.Why does the other teacher end the phone call with Carmelita’s mother?
13.How does Carmolita’s description of the event vary as the story progresses?

14.Consider the presence of cameras in school based on how they were used to prove Mr Drew’s innocenceDevelop you anwersConsider both the pros and cons of cameras in school.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Reported Speech

Tense Changes When Using Reported Speech

Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech:
She said, "I am tired."  She said that she was tired.
The changes are shown below:
Simple presentSimple past
"I always drink coffee", she said
She said that she always drankcoffee.
Present continuousPast continuous
"I am reading a book", he explained.
He explained that he was reading a book
Simple pastPast perfect
"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said.
He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday
Present perfectPast perfect
"I have been to Spain", he told me.
He told me that he had been to Spain
Past perfectPast perfect
"I had just turned out the light," he explained.
He explained that he had just turned out the light.
Present perfect continuousPast perfect continuous
They complained, "We have beenwaiting for hours".
They complained that they had been waiting for hours.
Past continuousPast perfect continuous
"We were living in Paris", they told me.
They told me that they had been living in Paris.
FuturePresent conditional
"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said
He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.
Future continuousConditional continuous
She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday".
She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Episode Analysis

Watch one of the other episodes of Educating Essex (2-7) and focus on one character or storyline.

Write a short description of what happens (200 words
approx - 5 short paragraphs) with at least 5 images from the show taken using screen captures.


What happens in this part of the show
Who is involved
What the viewer might think about this part
Whether you think that it's ethical to film or broadcast this part of the show

Your own personal opinion of this storyline

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Debate in Style!

To improve / worsen
To encourage / prevent
To support / object to
To develop
To provide (with)
To implement
To solve
To allow / permit / let

We all know that… (get the listeners on your side)
Think about it: … (use imperatives to attract the audience’s attention)
I’m sure that everyone in the room would agree / recognize / accept … (encourage your listener to agree)
Let’s face it, … (making something seem like a self-evident truth)
Imagine a school where … Does this sound ……….? (scenario)
Would you really ………? (rhetorical question – add detail)
What next? Would you accept …(use exaggeration)

·         Although / Even though / Though
·         Despite / In spite of
·         Therefore / As a result of this / Consequently
·         On the other hand / However / Yet / Conversely
·         Otherwise / If not
·         This may  lead to / This could cause
·         Without
·         If
·         As
·         Whereas
·         While
·         Therefore
·         Due to this
·         First of all / Firstly / Secondly / Thirdly / Furthermore / Moreover / In addition to this
·         In conclusion / In summary / To sum up, …
·         …for two main reasons: Firstly…., Secondly, …
     Unfortunately / Undoubtedly / Currently / Unsurprisingly

Imagine a school where…
Wouldn’t you prefer …?

Without a shadow of a doubt, …
It is absolutely vital that / crucial that

There is no question that
Persuasive devices

Knock down the other side of the argument
While it’s true that …,
Although many people may agree that…
Yes, …. Yes, … and yes, … However, have you seriously considered ….?
After listening to your points, I must point out that …
While it’s true that ……, you must admit that …
I would like to point out one major flaw in your argument: …
Although I accept that …., as you have said, I find …. absolutely preposterous!
Don’t you think that it’s a little naïve to assume that … ?
You claim that … But it’s completely realistic to suggest that…

Rhetorical questions (Add detail and develop the question)
Do you honestly want to implement a system which ….?

Lists of 3:
Adjectives (It is expensive, inefficient and unreliable)
Nouns (It would negatively affect students, parents and teachers.)
Verbs (to improve, renovate and develop …)
Points (It would lead to an increase in the profits of the company, a positive impression of the business and a number of new customers)

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

Important first tasks

 Welcome back Year 10!

Important first tasks:

1) Study Blue: Find and join our group Y10 2015-2016
2) Join Headmagnet (if you haven't already)
3) Join Quizlet (if you haven't already)
4) Send an email to with your name and class as the title. This is to make sure I have all your emails.