jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

In class preparation done by the students (not corrected by Mr Handley) for the Of Mice and Men Exam


1. Most relevant scenes

When crooks meets with George and Lennie. Page 56, line 25.

Crooks feels tempted to join the dream and does. Page 86, lines 21-22-30.

Crooks talks with Lennie and he tells him he can’t do anything because of the fact that

he is black, and the only place that he can be in his personal bunkhouse. Page 77, line

Curley’s wife puts Crooks “in his place” by telling him that she could be canned Page

George’s reaction in regards to Crooks joining the dream is enough to make Crooks

quit the dream. Page 94, lines 6-7-9-10-11.

2. Impressions

3. Possible questions

Is Crooks bullyied?


Candy's dog dies

Pages: 50-54 (Carlson convinces Candy to kill the dog)

   55-56 (Carlson kills the dog)

Carlson want to kill the dog because he says that is old and stinky. Carlson suggests

that they kill the dog by shooting it right back of the head so it doesn't suffered.

Candy has a special place in his heart for the dog, because he has been caring for the

dog since it was a pup.

"I'm so used to him, he said softly, I had him from a pup." - Page 51, first paragraph

"He's all stiff with rheumatism. He ain't no good to you, Candy. And he ain't no good to

himself. Why'n't you shoot him, Candy?" - Page 50, third paragraph

Stands up for Crooks

Pages: 88-90

Find CW

Pages: 105 (finds the body)

   106-107 (tells George)

   108 (blames CW for ruining their dream)

Wants to be part of George and Lennie's dream

Pages: 66-67

Possible questions: Is the death of the dog related with death of Lennie?


- Most relevant scenes

- Impressions

- Possible questions?

 When he kills Curley´s wife (P.103).

 Talk with Croocks about his dream. Lennie accept Croocks (P. 75-87).

 Frist seen Curley´s wife (P.34-36).

 George kills Lennie (P.112-121)

 When he smashed Curley´s hand (P. 70-75).

 What happened in his head and how he feels inside (Clara and the big rabbit)

at the end (P.113-115).

 A large, lumbering, childlike migrant worker. Due to his mild mental

disability, Lennie completely depends upon George, his friend and

traveling companion, for guidance and protection. The two men share a

vision of a farm that they will own together, a vision that Lennie believes

in wholeheartedly. Gentle and kind, Lennie nevertheless does not

understand his own strength. His love of petting soft things, such as

small animals, dresses, and people’s hair, leads to disaster.

o Where does Lennie go and why when he got scared of what happened at the


o What thought Lennie about Curley´s wife?

o What happened between Curley and Lennie in chapter 3?

o What felt Lennie after killing Curley´s wife?

Curley’s wife 

1. Relevant scenes

- When with Lennie

- Lennie kills her

- When she flirt with Slim

- When Curley is looking for his wife

2. Pages

- Page 34-36 (when she plays with Slim)

- Page 86-92 (when she was in Crooks house)

- Page 96-103 (Curley’s wife dies)

3. Impression

- Curley’s wife is lonely

- She doesn’t really loves Curley

- She has a frustrated future

- She wants someone to talk with

4. Possible questions in the exam

- Is Curley’s wife treated badly in the book?

- What do you think the book achieves by not saying Curley’s wife name.

- Is the impression given by Curley’s wife at the start of the book improved in the

end of the book?


Most relevant scenes:
-          When they move to the new ranch after the dress incident (Page 16 – Page 18)
-          When he kills Lennie (Page 120)
-          When he confesses to Slim about what he has done to Lennie
-          When Lennie breaks Curley´s hand, he is telling Lennie to do it
-          When he convince the boss about contracting Lennie, with that he helps Lennie
Impressions: George is a coward because he kills Lennie for the pleasure of the other people. He is also the one who tell Lennie what he has to do.
Possible questions:
Do you think George is like the father of Lennie?
Is George an important person for Lennie?
Is George a bad influence in the ranch?


- There was gravity in his manner and a quiet so profound that all talk stopped when he 

spoke. His authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics 

or love. 

This quote tells me how much authority slim had above everyone. He doesn’t need to 

raise his voice to make everyone stop their conversation and pay him attention.

-  His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer. 

This tells me how excellent Slim was at his job, although he had huge hands, he does 

really good his job, the author explain it by using a simile.

- “It wasn’t nothing,” said Slim. “I would of had to drowned most of ‘em anyways. No 

need to thank me about that.” George said, “It wasn’t much to you, maybe, but it was 

a hell of a lot to him. Jesus Christ, I don’t know how we’re gonna get him to sleep in 


The quote “it was nothing” tells me how Slim character is very king, willing to help 

anyone, with nothing in return. George and Slim had just known each other, and Slim 

have already helped him.

Slim is a character which transmit a lot of confident, inside the workers, he’s the one 

that seem to control each worker and know what to do each situation. He’s a very 

responsible worker and really good at his job.


Slim always haves the last say, when Curley’s hand was crushed by Lennie he decided what to 

do about Curley not telling his father, the boss. If not he will say Curley is a very fragile person.

Slim decided to Kill the dog

And Slim was the one that told the final decision about Lennie being killed.


 When Curly smashes his hand into smithereens

 The way that curly looks at Lennie when they have a conversations says a lot of Curly’s   

attitude, jealously and angrily talk about Lennie.

 “Curly looked threateningly about the room” p.60

 P.26/27 /28/29 many phrases that describe his character towards Lennie and his 

character in general 

 In page 60, we see many examples of curly looking for his wife this starts the opinion 

of infidelity around the other workers and the reader.

1. Mean

2. Insecure

3. Bully

4. Confrontational

5. Mean spirited

6. Aggressive

7. Jealous

8. Possessive

  -His glance was at once calculating and pugnacious-

1. Is Curly a jealous man?

2. Does Curly show affection towards his wife?

3. Is Curly respected in the barn?

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